Screening Employees: Before, During, and/or After?

Remember those tests in high school, those multiple choice tests? They were usually in the fashion of A, B, C, D, or all of the above. Well, if someone were to ask you should you screen your employees before you hire them, during their employment, or even perhaps after they are dismissed, or transferred to another department internally, the answer would be at least A and B if not “all of the above.” Certainly, when you are dismissing a person, or they are moving on to another employer, it is probably not necessary to run a background check on the employee.

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On Starting the Employee Background Checks Blog

Employers and hiring managers face a tougher situation than ever. First of all, after the tragic events of 9/11, both government agencies and private employers face more scrutiny and more risks vis-à-vis employee behavior. Everyone is, quite simply, more aware of security issues. Second, the United States is an increasingly litigious society, and employers face all sorts of legal liabilities both vis-à-vis their customers and even their employees. Third, employee theft remains a problem, and with the advent of cyber security and cyber crimes, one must worry about those employees with access to computer and financial records.

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