Civil Records - Employee Civil Records Search

What is a Civil Record and who needs it?

A civil records search will identify suits filed by individuals or corporations, including product liability suits, civil rights violations and judgment for non-payment of goods, as well as litigation related to divorce, marriage and child custody. Civil records are retrieved from local courts by our nationwide network of court researchers.

In many cases, civil records will be included in a consumer credit report. Any civil records discovered within the credit report should be re-verified in order to comply with FCRA.

Turnaround Time: varies by court but usually 2-3 days.

Why Background Profiles®?

We go directly to the source, not to secondary, outdated databases. When you need current information on your new hire, you can count on us for accurate information, all of the time.

If you’d like to learn more about our county level and Federal level Civil record services, please contact your Background Profiles Sales Representative today at 1-800-800-0197.

Updated: 5/15/2016